Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Weekend

This weekend was exciting for the Millers.

Friday we went to a show/Halloween party at Emerald City Trapeze. Our friend Debbie is really into taking trapeze classes and has gotten our whole group into the circus scene. She performed in the student show a couple of weeks ago, but Friday it was a professional show, and very entertaining. It was cirque du soleil meets halloween party meets club dance party. We knew we had to come up with awesome yet slutty halloween costumes to fit in with the edgy circus crowd, so my friend Liz and I decided we would be pin up girls (you know, slutty but in a classy way) so we would fit in but not be too out of control inappropriate. I thought mine was really cute other than it was super short and showed a lot of cleavage, but I figure it was more coverage than a swimsuit would provide and it would be dark there so I would be fine :)

The show was amazing and the dance party was fun... but we were the lame married couple that left at 12:30! We like our sleep too much to stay out until 4 am.

Saturday night we had our second Halloween event and since I had spilled wine on my outfit and also didn't deem it appropriate for a house party, I had to come up with a second costume. My adorable husband chose to go as Charlie Sheen's character from Major League (Rick Vaughn). He went all out with a Vaughn jersey, baseball pants (that he made me add red and blue ribbons onto), the exact replica of his glasses, and even the zig-zag haircut (which he made me do for him - talk about pressure! I will keep you posted on how his haircut is received at work on monday!).

The obvious choice for me was to dress up as and indian since Rick Vaughn plays for the Indians. Everyone thought we were so clever... funny what impresses people!

The party was fun because it was mostly people we didn't know and are always excited at the chance to meet new people. Especially when these people are into playing flip cup and spontaneously breaking out into "we are the champions" upon victory. Although we were the youngest people there, we still were the first to leave the party at 12:45. We are either really lame or very responsible.

Sunday meant laundry and grocery store and doing one of our favorite things... trying a new fancy recipe! One of the only quality meats (grass fed, free range, no hormones) at our grocer today was rack of lamb. We decided to be adventurous and go for it! I found what appeared to be the perfect recipe on ( with amazing reviews. Ryan tackled mashed potatoes for the very first time and he nailed it (he added garlic, fresh thyme, and truffle oil). We roasted asparagus in the usual fashion for our other side.

It was an amazing meal with the perfect wine and the best way to end our weekend. It may just be my new recipe to impress people with!

1 comment:

  1. yay blog! and your costumes are so cute! i wanted to be pocahontas if i had dressed up this year.
